Oz Alone Looks For Love In Fences. (Music Video)

'Fences.' is a music video from hip hop artist Oz Alone. The track is from Oz Alone's new album 'Distance.', which was released on August 14th, 2020.

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Oz Alone Fences.

About Fences.

‘Fences.’ is a music video from hip hop artist Oz Alone. The track is from Oz Alone’s new album ‘Distance.’, which was released on August 14th, 2020.

The video was produced by One Ton Soup Productions, a video production company created by hip hop artist Emcee Graffiti. Fellow hip hop artist Devin B plays The Waiter, and Megan Moran plays The Love (Un)Interest(ed) 2 and The One.

Listen to ‘Distance.’ now on Spotify!

Oz Alone

Where To Find Oz Alone

Listen To Oz Alone

Oz Alone on Apple Music

Oz Alone on Bandcamp

Oz Alone on Spotify

Oz Alone on SoundCloud

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Where To Find One Ton Soup Productions

One Ton Soup Productions on Youtube

One Ton Soup Productions on Facebook

Emcee Graffiti’s Official Website

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